Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Royal Wedding Bash.

What's so great about two people getting married?

What's so great about two people getting married that attracts the attention of a lot of people?  The pomp?  The kissing style?  The media attention?

What the heck is a duke?  And how does one become a duchess by getting married to the duke who also doesn't have any power over any territory?  What is the bridegroom the duke of?  Nothing.  What is that old hag the queen of?  Nothing.  And what are all the fools, the bridegroom's relatives princes and kings of?  Absolutely nothing.  The UK (God knows why the fuck it is still called a kingdom when the king NEVER had any power!) is a democratic country with elections and haggling and corruption and issues, much like most democracies are.  So why they even keep the queen and her stupid, underachieving, royal family is beyond me.  Maybe that is all that is left of their glorious past? 

Their glorious past by the way primarily involves invading other countries, colonizing people, raping their wealth and carrying it home, while creating an atmosphere of progress and change that confused the hell out of other civilizations for long.  It wasn't built on military might, since there was no military might to talk about.  It was built on deceit, on pitting one against the other, playing wicked games of politics and power, and all their ships were not called the UK's ships, they were called Her Majesty's ships!  In other words, all the raping, looting and pillaging went on in HER name!  So, why the fuck are we even celebrating anything that goes on in that thieving family's life?

The UK has not, ever before, since the heady days of the British Empire, or recently, contributed anything to the world in terms of inventions, service to mankind, or anything else worthy of mention.  It is a conniving little shit nation ready to tag along with the US on any misadventure those clowns in the West can conjure up.  The educational institutions of the UK are great, got to give them that.  But what does it serve?  No research has taken place there any time in the last one hundred years that has yielded any wisdom to change anybody's life.

This clown who calls himself the Prince of Wales is the "prince" of a piece of land that is as big as 20,777 square kilometres - roughly one sixth the size of Tamilnadu.  And he doesn't have any power over that tiny piece of land either.  So, why the fuck does he even show up in the news?  ANSWER - That is ALL he does!  Show up and look good!  Charlie boy never had any power, not even over the woman he married and later arranged killed.  Sure enough, this is just an allegation, but what rotten history even with such a lovely Diana involved!  Then, he marries his "long term" friend, who I'm sure played no role in Charlie breaking up with Diana.  Sordid enough?  Not really, and actually fun when you think about an Arab banging the crown princess who is still unhappily married to the clown who thinks he owns that piece of land one sixth the size of Tamilnadu!  May those two murdered lovers rest in peace.

The real story is in how, after so many years since relinquishing all "royal" power, they are still being paid so much attention.  ANSWER - it is ALL the culture the UK ever had!  Their literature was great, but their art sucked when compared to the French.  Their food was abominable, which is why they needed Indian spices in the first place.  Their technology was no big shakes and the rest of the world didn't need any of it the last century.  Their market wasn't big enough for the rest of the world to want to sell anything to them.  Their sports teams aren't dominant in any discipline, their movies cannot compete with American and Indian produce, and nobody ever sees any product "Made in the UK" anymore.  But they still have the fucking flag and their stupid palaces and the dumb royal family!

After all these years, we have another descendant of this useless clan marry a none too flashy girl, who he's been in love with for a while.  So, girl marries boy.  Great.  Anything beyond that?  For the media to attach words like "romance" to an ordinary affair is already a fair stretch.  For the world to be expected to wait for this stupid event like it is a spectacle of their lifetimes is a holler and a hoot.  Who gives a fuck?

Here's the reason we're being asked to give a fuck - White countries, namely the USA, UK and Australia (because of Rupert Murdoch alone), control the popular English language media around the world.  There is very little "white" audience specific programming that is sustainable any more.  This royal wedding is one of the last bastions of events that silly white people still control.  The Olympics have moved on to China in a rank of importance, cricket is owned by India, and in terms of sheer strategic interest - almost all the oil of the world is in the hands of Arabs and non-western powers.  So, how else can the white race still stand up to be counted?  By SHOWING UP!  They are very good at that and they will show up.

It is the same white mentality that never bothered to even nominate Mahatma Gandhi for a Nobel Peace Prize, (while this half white Obama gets it just before agreeing to bomb Libya), and Hitler was Time Magazine's "Man of the Year"!  I am sure thankful Gandhi is not in such lousy company.

The biggest crown joke - the new couple is busy asking the media to give them some "privacy"!  Shit, whoever thought they were public?  They happen to be from a family that knows how to stay in the news.  They are all pompous "used to be"s.  Nothing else.  Let's spare the children, for they probably have some sense, but let's not forget the atrocities of their elders who had their chance to ruin the world and took it eagerly, before being thwarted.  Let's make sure no other "family" gets such notions again.

By the way, isn't there anything going on in the UK that is worth reporting?  Like any of Nehru's legacies coming down the line in the Mountbatten family, perhaps?

- BSK.

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