Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baa Baa Brown Sheep!

Baa Baa brown sheep
Have you lost your cool?
Yes Sir, Yes Sir, I'm a total fool.

Just a month ago, I had a job
Sitting at a computer, all day long
Like the rest of the mob
Fiddling around, getting along

All of a sudden, came this recession,
A lot of fear, 'n trepidation
I buried my head, as much as I could
But they spotted me 'n caught me real good

You're fired Mr. Brown,
That's what they said
We're sorry about the frown,
But there's no more bread!

I could keep my car and all my underwear
Beyond that, I was all threadbare
No more credit, no more loans
They just knew I was down to my bones

Baa Baa brown sheep
Have you lost your cool?
Yes Sir, Yes Sir, I could drown in a pool.

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